BEMA is proud to Support the Baking Industry through grants and scholarships to:
American Bakers Association
Baking Industry Forum
Grain Foods Foundation
American Institute of Baking (AIB)
Wheat Foods Council (WFC)
American Society of Baking (ASB)
K-State Grain Science and Industry
Independent Bakers Association (IBA)
ANSI Z50.1 and Z50.2
ABA is a voluntary trade association designed to represent the interests of the wholesale baking industry–both on a national and state level. ABA is committed to being an organization whose policies and actions are formulated and directed by its members. Each year, BEMA supports ABA’s Annual Convention by sponsoring the golf tournament. In addition, ABA and BEMA work together on many of the legislative issues that impact BEMA’s members.
Contact Info
Robb Mackie
601 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 230
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 789-0300
Fax: (202) 898-1164
The Baking Industry Forum was formed in 2005. BIF’s goal is to create a stronger alliance between the baker and supplier through better communication and coordinated emphasis on key issues facing our industry. The Forum is composed of 5 BEMA members and 5 Bakery Executives. BEMA supports BIF by:
Contact Info:
Baking Industry Forum Roster (PDF)
The Grain Foods Foundation, a joint venture of members of the milling and baking industries formed in 2004, is dedicated to advancing the public’s understanding of the beneficial role grain-based foods play in the human diet. In 2004, BEMA made a five-year pledge of $200,000 annually to the foundation.
Contact Info
Christine Cochran, Executive Director
Grain Foods Foundation
601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 230
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 289-6119
Fax: (202) 491-6930
Since AIB was founded in 1919, the American Institute of Baking’s mission has been to provide for the technical training of individuals for service in milling, baking and the allied trades. The AIB offers students in Baking Science and Maintenance Engineering a course to:
BEMA provides scholarships funds for AIB’s resident baking courses, Regional Maintenance Engineering and Baking Basics 101, and the Allied Baking courses. For more information about the courses and to see schedules, visit AIB’s website.
Contact Info
1213 Bakers Way
PO Box 3999
Manhattan, Kansas 66505-3999
Phone: (785) 537-4750
Toll Free: (800) 633-5137
Fax: (785) 537-1493
The Wheat Foods Council is a national nonprofit organization formed to help increase awareness of dietary grains as an essential component of a healthy diet. BEMA is a member of the Wheat Foods Council and recently provided a $10,000 donation for research for the recently published, It’s the Calories not the Carbs book that is available at the WFC website.
Contact Info
Judi Adams, President, MS, RD
51 D Red Fox Lane
Ridgway, CO 81432
Phone: (970) 626.9828
Fax: (970) 626.3686
The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BAKING (ASB), formerly known as the American Society of Bakery Engineers, is a professional society comprised of members who are either engaged in, involved with, or interested in wholesale or large-scale bakery production. The purpose of the Society is to promote the advancement of baking science technology through the exchange of information and interaction among baking industry professionals. BEMA works closely with ASB through the Baking Industry Forum (BIF) and other industry initiatives. BEMA’s Winter Summit is held the three days prior to ASB’s BakingTech Conference in Chicago.
Contact Info
Kent Van Amburg
Executive Director
Kansas City, MO 64119
Phone: 1-800-713-0462
The Grain Science and Industry program at Kansas State University is the only program of its kind in the United States. They are distinguished worldwide. Companies from all over come to the campus for research and training support in baking, milling, and feed production, as well as to hire K-State graduates.
BEMA approved a donation of $20,000 in the fall of 2005 to the Grain Science and Industry Department of Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. BEMA’s donation will help support several initiatives, including participation by Dr. Smail and department students in industry events and meetings; student recruitment to the program, and scholarships.
Contact Info
Dave Krishock
Department Head
Shellenberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: (785) 532-6779
Fax: (785) 532-7010
The Independent Bakers Association is a Washington, D.C. based national trade association of over 400 mostly family owned wholesale bakeries and allied industry trades. The Association was founded in 1968 to protect the interests of independent wholesale bakers from antitrust and anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions; pressure Congress to support market-oriented farm commodity programs; seek representation and consider federal labor, tax and environmental law.
BEMA annually provides $2,500 towards the Smith-Schaus-Smith Internship as well as a $3500 sponsorship of IBA’s BakePAC reception.
Contact Info
Nicholas A. Pyle
Post Office Box 3731
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: (202) 333-8190
Fax: (202) 337-3809
The BISSC (Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee) was formed in 1949 to develop and publish voluntary standards for the design and construction of bakery equipment which today are recognized as the definitive sanitation standards for equipment used in the baking industry.
In addition, the BISSC Office of Certification was established in 1966 to promote greater recognition and use of equipment conforming to the criteria of BISSC standards. The Office of Certification offers two equipment certification programs to manufacturers with equipment built to ANSI/BISSC/Z50.2-2003 Sanitation Standard for the Design of Bakery Equipment criteria:
Contact Info
Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee
PO Box 3999
Manhattan, KS 66505-3999
Phone: (866) 342-4772 (within the United States and Canada)
Phone: (785) 537-4750 (outside the United States and Canada)
Fax: (785) 565-6060
Email: Jon Anderson
Email: Rosalie Wagner